Get your self one of these

I know what its like to have the same thing over and over again for school lunch. I used to get God awful cheese and Jam sandwiches which used to get put in the bin. For some reason my dad thought that type of sandwich would go down a treat. I am still gagging thinking about it. *shudder*

My girls are really good eaters not overly fussy ( they can be) and are willing to try new things. We have a rule in our house that we don’t say we don’t like it until they have tried it. Most of the time they try it and like it.

I quite enjoy seeing an empty lunchbox when the girls come home. It’s a nice feeling that you have given them a nice nutritious lunch.

I invested in a divided container for all three of my girls especially for snacks and lunches away from home.You get them from woolies and they are the systema brand and cost a little over $5.These are awesome and they fit in the lunch cooler bags.

Finger food is great for them because they feel like they are getting a smorgasbord of goodies.An example of whats for lunch tomorrow is, Carrot fingers,cherry tomato,cut up Strassburg,spinach dip,crackers and a Leek,bacon& zucchini slice. this fits into the container quite nicely.

The dip gets put into a small decor tub that is a perfect fit inside the container. but if your little person won’t eat this you can fill it with other finger foods they do like.The idea is variety.Image

Leek,bacon & Zucchini slice

1 Leek,sliced

Clove of garlic

knob of butter

small pack of short cut bacon

1 Zucchini ,Grated

6 eggs

1/2 cup of milk

1/2 cup  S/R Flour

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

sweat the leek with the butter and garlic. Once soft add the bacon untill browned, spread mixture with the grated zucchini out on the bottom of a tray with grease proof paper. In  bowl add the flour with some salt and pepper then add 6 eggs. beat untill all combined. add the milk and stir through the cheese. pour mixture on top of bacon mixture and make sure its even. this goes into a pre-heated oven of about 180 degrees. The length depends on what type of tray you use. if it’s in a loaf pan it will take longer to cook. keep an eye on it as it will not take long. it will smell divine and a bit bubbly on top when its  ready.


This slice is a hit with my little people.

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